Lavender essential oil for diffuser. Lavender oil essential oil for diffuser may be enjoyed in aromatherapy for its calming scent. Diffuse 1-2 drops of this lavender diffuser oil or add to other oils for a calm mix of lavender oil diffuser blends .
Hydrate with lavender oil for skin. Lavender oil essential oil for skin has natural benefits that may promote the appearance of soft-looking skin. Use lavender essential oils for skin in your skincare routine by mixing 1-2 drops with a face oil .
Your answer to fuller-looking hair. Essential oil lavender may have nourishing qualities to improve the appearance of fuller-looking hair. Apply lavender essential oil for hair on hair and scalp with carrier oil to enhance hair care routines .
A floral flourish to DIY recipes. Essential oil lavender oil infuses a subtle, sweet scent when candle making or soap making for the perfect DIY Christmas-y gifts. Combine with carrier oils to make lavender massage oil, lavender body oil, and more .
Cruelty-free, NON-GMO & natural. Self-care routines just got better with our plant-powered lavender essential oil. Made from Bulgarian lavender flowers and bottled for you — a perfect way to elevate your personal routines .
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